How to update translations quickly

This is for Windows users.

Set Up WebTranslateIt Synchronization Tool

I use webtranslateit for managing all of the theme and plugin translation. Up till recently I have always download the files in a zip and then extracted them to the language folder.

Recently I looked for a way to improve automation and found the WebTranslateIt Synchronization Tool. It is very easy to set up.

The installation process is explained on GitHub.

Setup .mo file generation

To automate the conversion of the mo files you will need to install Cygwin. It is a simple installation process but takes some time to install.

Then create a file called Then add this code:

Then go to the language folder and open the file .wti. Replace # after_pull: "touch tmp/restart.txt" with after_pull: "I: &amp; cd I:/path/to/folder/<wbr />languages &amp; c:/cygwin/bin/bash -c /cygdrive/i/path/to/<wbr />script/directory/potomo.<wbr />sh".

Run Script

To be able to run the whole thing Start Command Prompt with Ruby. Then move to the location of the language folder and type wti pull

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6 Comments on “How to update translations quickly

  1. Something you should add is a way to remove all the po after the mo creation, cause they aren’t needed anymore and it helps making the languages folder lighter 😉

Student, Sportsman and budding WordPress developer with interests in responsive design and internationalization