Blog Archives

15 going on to 16

This is my last-ditch attempt to write a blog post in 2015. I thought it would be nice to look back on the year and make plans for the new year. In 2015 Attended WordCamp Paris Promoted as an admin

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Bundling plugin, libraries and frameworks in themes

Securi released a post revealing that two popular WordPress plugins had a serious vulnerability. Theme plugin have been bundled into a number of themes. This caused a number of people to mention that one should not bundle plugins in WordPress themes. it's not

Posted in Featured, WordPress

WCCH14: How to Manage Translations

Here are the slides from talk at WordCamp Switzerland 2014 on how to manage translations. Browser not compatible. Below is the video of my presentation. [wpvideo JYQcKbYa]

Posted in Featured, WordPress

Future of POT generators

One of the first big problems that I faced when I started with WordPress was how to generate  a POT file. In the meantime have been able to look at all of the different tools and see their shortcoming with

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Complete Breakdown of Responsive Videos

I have been asked a few times about adding responsive videos. At the time I was unable to give a good answer. Now I have taken time to do a bit of research and I able to give a number

Posted in Featured, WordPress

How to load theme and plugin translations

You may ask yourself what is so special about this post. Does not the codex cover load_plugin_textdomain() and load_theme_textdomain() but this posts will show what else you can do with it. With this code for the theme and plugin you can

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Child themes, IE8 and Media Queries

In my previous post I mentioned that one of the issues of using @import in the child theme is that the JavaScripts that help media queries in IE8 and lower so not work. So there  are three solutions. When using @import

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Improved way of loading parent styles in child themes

The prefered method in the codex and with plugins that generate child theme is to load the parent stylesheet by using @import in the child themes stylesheet. @import url(“../twentytwelve/style.css”); There are a few problems with this. Speed Using CSS @import in an

Posted in Featured, WordPress

Responsive Opt-Out plugin

Responsive Opt-Out allows visitors of your site to switch between the flexible and fixed width layout. This simple setup creates a body class called “responsive” and “fixed-width” both are added to the body class of your Theme. These two classes

Posted in Featured, Plugins